Stroller Industry Analysis: $6.9 billion in 2022

According to the stroller industry analysis of China, this report provides a basic overview of its market, including definition, classification, application and industrial chain structure. It also discusses development policies and plans as well as manufacturing processes and cost structure, analyzes its market development status and future market trends. And from the production and consumption of two aspects of the market analysis of the main production area, the main consumption area and the main producers. The stroller market is a global market that has grown significantly over the past few years. The market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years due to the rising number of working parents, rising disposable income and changing lifestyles. In this analysis, we will examine the development trend of the stroller market from the global and Chinese markets.
Global Market Analysis:12
The global stroller market was valued at $2.39 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach $3.62 billion by 2027, representing a CAGR of 5.6% over the forecast period. The market is being driven by factors such as rising birth rates, increasing urbanization and increased awareness of the safety and comfort of infants.
In addition, the rise of two-income households with more disposable income is driving demand for high-end and luxury strollers. The market is also being driven by a variety of innovations and fashionable strollers that cater to the changing preferences of parents.
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to show the fastest growth rate during the forecast period due to increasing births in countries such as India, China and Japan. In addition, a growing middle class population and an increasingly Western lifestyle are expected to drive the demand for strollers in the region.
China Market analysis:
China is the world’s largest market for strollers, accounting for more than 35 percent of the global market share. The stroller market in China was valued at $843 million in 2019 and is expected to reach $1.3 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 6.2% over the forecast period.
The market is being driven by a variety of factors such as increasing urbanization, rising disposable incomes and changing lifestyles. China’s one-child policy has also contributed to the growth of the stroller market, as parents tend to invest more in their children’s safety and comfort.
In addition, the market is being driven by the availability of various strollers, including luxury and high-end models. The growing popularity of e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba and has also contributed to the growth of the market, as more parents are buying strollers online.
In addition, the Chinese government’s efforts to boost the birth rate and improve the quality of childcare are expected to further boost the growth of the stroller market in China.
In conclusion, the stroller market is a growing global market, driven by a number of factors such as rising birth rates, increasing urbanization and changing lifestyles. The Chinese market, the world’s largest market for strollers, is expected to continue its high growth rate due to a variety of factors such as accelerating urbanization, rising disposable income and changing lifestyles. In addition, the Chinese government’s efforts to boost the birth rate and improve the quality of childcare are expected to further boost the growth of the stroller market in China.
What are the future industry market development prospects and investment opportunities? For more information on the Stroller market research, please click on the report “Global and China Stroller Market Status and Future Trends 2023-2029″.
This report makes specific investigation, research and analysis of various factors related to the industry, and provides insight into the future development direction of the industry, the evolution trend of the industry competition pattern, as well as technical standards, market size, potential problems and the crux of the industry development. It also evaluates the investment value and effectiveness of the industry and puts forward constructive suggestions. It provides reference for industrial investment decision makers and enterprise managers.

Post time: Apr-10-2023