Market scale and future development trend of single baby stroller in china!

Market scale and future development trend of single baby stroller industry in China
With the increase of family income, more and more families began to buy strollers. The baby stroller industry is developing rapidly. At present, the market size of the single baby stroller industry in China has been growing at an annual rate of 20%.
According to the analysis of China’s baby stroller industry competition status and market prospect planning report from 2023 to 2029 released by Market Research online, the market scale of China’s single baby stroller in 2018 is about 12.1 billion yuan, an increase of 21% compared with 2017. From the perspective of investors and consumers, the single stroller market has a lot of potential.9538985798_1386969497_译图
Chinese consumers are increasingly demanding baby strollers. More and more consumers began to pay attention to safety, comfort, handle design and other factors, these factors have become an important driving force for the development of the single baby stroller industry. At the same time, with the development of society and technological progress, consumers buy baby stroller demand is also increasing.
In the future, the market size of China’s single stroller industry will continue to grow, and is expected to exceed 20 billion yuan by 2022. With the progress of technology, the baby stroller industry will continue to introduce more intelligent products to meet consumers’ requirements for safety, comfort and design, so as to increase the market share of the baby stroller industry.
In addition, as the Chinese government has intensified its supervision of the baby stroller industry, various regulations have been introduced to require the industry to provide products with good safety performance to meet the needs of consumers. The implementation of these policies will help improve the overall level of the industry and provide consumers with more quality products.

Baby buggies, from the manufacturing industry, our government classifies them in the toy industry. The development track of strollers and toys in China is exactly the same: at the beginning of the reform and opening up, they were transferred to undertake Taiwan-funded and Hong Kong-funded enterprises and started to be OEM enterprises. In the past ten years, with the rapid development of the domestic market, the strollers industry has entered a period of great development, and this trend is particularly obvious after 2008.
Product diversification and industrial clustering. Strollers in a broad sense, including baby carts, baby walkers, bicycles, twizzlers, electric strollers, children’s bicycles, etc., are very diversified. At present, there are a number of industrial clusters in the country, each product has its own characteristics, such as Kunshan and Taicang in Jiangsu, Pinghu and Ningbo in Zhejiang, Pingxiang in Hebei, Shucheng in Anhui, Hanchuan in Hubei, Tengzhou in Shandong, and Zhongshan, Dongguan and Foshan in Guangdong. In the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and other coastal areas, the buggy industry cluster developed early and has advantages in technology introduction, becoming the industry leader. But from the development speed, in recent years, the mainland stroller industry cluster development faster. For example, in Pingxiang, Hebei Province, the local government is very supportive of the industry.
Export market slowdown
In the interview, enterprises generally reported that business is difficult to do, export pressure is greater. The main reason for this is falling demand from overseas markets. According to the State of World Population 2020 Report released by the United Nations Population Fund, there are 1.8 billion children and young people under the age of 18 in the world, accounting for one fourth of the world’s total population, but most of them are concentrated in developing countries. Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries and regions continue to have aging populations, low birth rates and fewer children.

Baby buggies, from the manufacturing industry, our government classifies them in the toy industry. The development trajectory of strollers and toys in China is the same: at the beginning of the reform and opening up, the strollers started to be OEM companies, and in the past ten years, with the rapid development of the domestic market, the strollers industry has entered a period of great development, and this trend is particularly obvious after 2008.
Product diversification and industrial clustering. Strollers in a broad sense, including baby carts, baby walkers, bicycles, twizzlers, electric strollers, children’s bicycles, etc., are very diversified. At present, there are a number of industrial clusters in the country, each product has its own characteristics, such as Kunshan and Taicang in Jiangsu, Pinghu and Ningbo in Zhejiang, Pingxiang in Hebei, Shucheng in Anhui, Hanchuan in Hubei, Tengzhou in Shandong, and Zhongshan, Dongguan and Foshan in Guangdong. In the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and other coastal areas, the buggy industry cluster developed early and has advantages in technology introduction, becoming the industry leader. But from the development speed, in recent years, the mainland stroller industry cluster development faster. For example, in Pingxiang, Hebei Province, the local government is very supportive of the industry.
Export market slowdown
In the interview, enterprises generally reported that business is difficult to do, export pressure is greater. The main reason for this is falling demand from overseas markets. According to the 2014 State of World Population Report released by the United Nations Population Fund, there are 1.8 billion children and young people under the age of 18 in the world, accounting for one fourth of the global population, but most of them are concentrated in developing countries. Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries and regions continue to have aging populations, low birth rates and fewer children.
That’s in line with a report from the American Toy Council, which found that sales of buggies (excluding baby strollers) in the United States were $1.25 billion in 2014, roughly flat compared to the same period in 2013 and up from $1.61 billion in 2010. In other words, the American buggy market has stagnated and shrunk in recent years. The size of the EU buggy market is similar to that of the US, and the situation is similar. In addition, Brazil, India and other populous emerging markets, the recent two years of economic decline and sluggish demand; Russia, the Middle East affected by political factors, economic weakness and continuous wars, have affected the export of buggies.
Domestic market analysis
Analysis 1 In the survey, manufacturers reported that domestic sales were not good this year. Except the coastal areas, the sales of buggies in the central and western regions and the north of the Yangtze River were not very good. Some enterprises have reduced the production to reduce the inventory pressure.
In analysis 2, it is found that there is a prominent problem in the domestic sales of baby buggies, namely serious product homogeneity, cut-price vicious competition and profit dilution. Some enterprises do not do market research, do not innovate, rely on simple doctrine, blindly low price competition, there is no way out.
Analysis 3 In the past ten years, the domestic market of baby carriage has been greatly developed. I think this is mainly due to three reasons. First, the consumption target group has changed. Parents born in the 1980s and 1990s have become the main force of buggy consumption. Second, with economic development, people’s ideas have changed. General urban buggies have been transformed from luxury goods to household necessities, and even rural buggy consumption has developed considerably. Third, e-commerce platforms and other more convenient sales channels have matured and grown, playing a great role.
Analysis 4 In the case of no change in the support surface to promote the rapid development of the buggy domestic sales, I think the difficulties are temporary, is the relevant response to the national economic correction. It is believed that with the comprehensive opening of the two-child policy recently, there will be more development opportunities for the stroller domestic market in the future, and the market prospect is promising.
Baby walker production line of Guangdong Suihua Toy Co., LTDO1CN01FABG421z8S3pOlqk7_!!935896669-0-cib
Thinking 1 How to break the dilemma and seize the development opportunity? Here I would like to introduce the following points: First, the consumption of buggies in China is polarized. On the one hand, there is a large demand for low-end and mass-market products. On the other hand, high-end consumption power is not small. In Taobao online, “baby cart” sales of the top ten prices or more than 100 yuan, or 500 yuan, stratification is obvious, single monthly sales are more than a thousand. Enterprises should adjust accordingly according to their actual conditions, find the right positioning, and develop more cost-effective products.
Second, independent innovation. How to innovate? The most fundamental is to develop products around the changing needs of consumers. Nowadays, young parents’ requirements for baby buggies pay more attention to safety, convenience, comfort, fashion and the pursuit of individuation. As long as we can develop innovative new products, we can not only create considerable profits, but also sell well. Specific approach or to analyze consumer psychology, from which to find the direction of product development.
Thinking 3 Now that the information society has entered, enterprises must establish Internet thinking and attach importance to the construction of e-commerce channels. According to a survey by GfK, a German market consulting company, 35% of Chinese consumers bought baby carts through online channels in 2014, more than supermarkets/hypermarkets (25%) and department stores (21%). According to the 2014 annual report of Goodbaby Group, the leading enterprise in the buggy industry, its business revenue in the Chinese market last year was HK $1.47 billion, among which the development of e-commerce channels was particularly rapid, the revenue increased by 52.5% to about HK $410 million, accounting for 28% of the total revenue in the Chinese market. We further subdivide in the e-commerce channels and find that the development of mobile terminal, namely mobile shopping is the fastest. How to make good use of it and build the enterprise fan ecosystem is a big topic worth further study.
In addition, professional exhibitions are still the most direct and effective means for enterprises to contact customers and expand sales. In the economic environment is not too optimistic, enterprises should go out more, contact customers, grasp the market demand trend, promote products. Cologne Baby and Children’s Products Exhibition, Hong Kong Baby Products Exhibition, Guangzhou Baby Cart Exhibition and March Shanghai Baby Cart Exhibition are all reputable quality exhibitions in the industry. There are many buyers and good exhibition effect. Enterprises can seek breakthrough through these platforms.
In the face of difficulties, enterprises can achieve better development as long as they can maintain concentration, practice internal skills, and find out the breakthrough suitable for their own development through active change and bold innovation.


Post time: Mar-15-2023